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New Washington Legislation Affecting Noncompetition Agreements

the Lawyers at Beresford Booth | 5/8/2019
Effective January 1, 2020, this new law will prohibit all noncompetition agreements for employees whose W-2 earnings are less than $100,000 annually, and for independent contractors paid less than $250,000 per year. The legislation states that those amounts will be adjusted annually for inflation, just one aspect of this law which could pose a headache for… Read More

Washington State’s Paid Family Leave Program

Washington State Business Law Lawyer Andrew M. McKenzie | 1/31/2019
In July of 2017, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law legislation guaranteeing paid family leave to employees across Washington State. The groundbreaking move places Washington in a small group of states who have passed such legislation. While prior law generally mandated only unpaid leave and left many employees ineligible due to the size of their… Read More

Paid Sick Leave In 2018: Are You At Risk Of Not Meeting This New Requirement For Washington Employers?

Washington State Business Law Lawyer Babak Shamsi | 1/22/2018
In the fall of 2016, Washington State voters approved Initiative 1433, which made four major changes to state law:  (1) it increases the minimum wage; (2) ensures tips and service charges are given to appropriate staff; (3) protects certain employees from retaliation for exercising their legal rights; and (4) requires employers to provide paid sick… Read More

Criminal Background Checks: Controlling Risks For Employee Related Litigation

the Lawyers at Beresford Booth | 10/31/2017
Employers face increasing litigation risks from the wrongful acts of their employees as the law of negligent hiring and retention expands. Employers are potentially liable for negligent hiring when employing an unfit applicant who poses an unreasonable risk of harm to others. If an employer should have known of an employee’s unfitness at the time… Read More

Santa Claus, The Employee

the Lawyers at Beresford Booth | 12/1/2015
Delivering presents to the good little boys and girls all over the world in a single night is hard work. Of course, Santa Claus makes it look easy with his twinkling eyes and merry dimples, magical sleigh, and team of eight tiny flying reindeer. But does that mean he is any less entitled to compensation?… Read More

5 Terms Every Employer Should Know About Disability Law

the Lawyers at Beresford Booth | 10/12/2015
The world of workforce management includes a multitude of “terms of art;” These are words or phrases that have taken on special meaning to human resources professionals and their counsel. Those terms related to disability discrimination law are particularly distinctive. Even those who are well-versed in other areas of human resources law, often find it… Read More

OSHA Issues New Guide To Restroom Access For Transgender Workers

the Lawyers at Beresford Booth | 6/8/2015
One of the more challenging laws against discrimination involves workplace accommodations for transgender employees. This particular protected class has been the law in Washington State since 2006 but only recently been spotlighted with some help from Caitlyn Jenner. It is estimated that more than 700,000 adults in the U.S. are transgender. Under Washington law, "gender… Read More

The $7.21 Million Question: Are Your Unpaid Internships Illegal?

the Lawyers at Beresford Booth | 4/29/2015
Last month, Viacom, Inc., the world’s sixth largest mass media company, settled a class-action lawsuit with 12,500 former interns. Viacom, the owner of Comedy Central, MTV and Nickelodeon, will have to pay out $7.21 million to interns who claim that they were paid less than minimum wage or not paid at all. While the initial… Read More