Navigating Your Child’s Struggles at School with Your New Co-Parent

Mackenzie O. Bretz Edmonds Lawyer

Being on the same page as your ex-partner is crucial when supporting your child’s academic success. Effective communication and collaboration with your ex are essential if your child has expressed difficulty in school or if a teacher has reached out to you regarding concerns with your child’s progress.

Talking Parents or Our Family Wizard

These apps can significantly enhance communication and coordination. A shared calendar, for instance, can streamline logistics, from knowing test schedules to assigning supervision of schoolwork. This will enable both parents to be aware of important events such as conferences, exams, report cards, permission slips, and other pertinent information. Importantly, it can also help avert potential misunderstandings or manipulative behavior by children trying to play one parent against the other. The app can also help parents share triumphs by helping their children. Using both parent’s assets and collaborating can increase the chance of your child’s improvement.

Speak With Your Child’s Teacher

It is important for teachers to be informed about the new family dynamic and custody arrangement in order for them to recognize and address any emotional impacts that the child may be experiencing. You can send an email to your child’s teacher to provide them with a better understanding of the situation at home. Additionally, you can ensure that both parents are included in any school-related communications, such as newsletters, updates, fundraisers, and field trips. If necessary, teachers will accommodate separate parent-teacher conferences upon request. You can also request two copies of any paperwork, such as forms, report cards, and letters, that are sent home.

Communicate With Your Co-Parent About After School Schedules

Suppose you have a good relationship with your co-parent. In that case, establishing a similar schedule at both parents’ houses around homework and studying can help children be more effective in their learning. It also creates consistency for the child when homework is done at the same time and duration at both parents’ houses. Even better, it doesn’t put the burden of one parent having to become a homework enforcer, and in turn, both parties can spend more fun time with their children.

Give Your Kids Time to Cope With Your Divorce

Children usually require about a year to adjust to their parent’s divorce. This does not mean that they are no longer feeling sad or angry. Still, by the end of the first year after the divorce, they typically can understand their emotions better. It is also essential to be empathetic and understand this is a difficult transition period for them. You should allow them time to deal with their feelings and try not to panic or overreact if they get a bad grade or get into trouble at school. This could be utterly unrelated to your divorce or a natural part of the adjustment your child is making. Unless you notice a pattern of severe adjustment issues, you should allow your children time to come to terms with their new situation.

Inquire About Your Child

To help your child succeed, it is important that both parents are involved in their life and are committed to their success. This involves asking your child questions, listening to them, and communicating your feelings appropriately. Parents who are going through a divorce may be experiencing strong emotions and may forget that their child is also grieving from the loss of their relationship as it was. It is essential to check in with your child and ask them how you and your co-parent can help them succeed.

If You Are on Your Own

While a lot of these points stress the necessity of collaborating with your co-parent, many of you reading may not have an involved co-parent. This does not mean your child cannot succeed. Lean on your family and your community, make friends, ask questions, and communicate with your child. While going at it alone can seem overwhelming, often your child can get everything they need from you.

Most parents going through the divorce process are traversing this all for the first time, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Beresford Booth Family Law attorneys at waiting for your call. 425.776.4100

To learn more about Navigating Your Child’s Struggles at School with Your New Co-Parent, please contact Beresford Booth at or by phone at (425) 776-4100.

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